Who we are…
About us
The W-section is a section that represents the students in the Master's program in water engineering as well as the Master’s program in environmental and water engineering. The W section works through WAWE, We Are W-Engineers, which consists of a group of wonderful committed students. WAWE ensures that you as a student on the program get the fantastic study time that you deserve, both in terms of study and study environment, party and sports, exchange studies and mentoring.
We also work to give you an insight into the opportunities offered when you have finished studying through our business fair, Alumn meetings and lectures by companies and more.
The benefits of becoming a member are many! As a member of WAWE, you strengthen W as an association and contribute to the positive atmosphere that exists on the program. Also take the opportunity to become a member of UTN to strengthen W's position there. UTN helps us in this by monitoring the interests of all technologists and scientists. A better position in UTN gives us a better course of study!
Membership is free in both WAWE and UTN so you have nothing to lose and lots to gain!