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The River Festival

Finally! Once again, the coming of spring and its climax, the River Rafting, shall be celebrated with a transformation of the grass area outside of the Ångström laboratory to a quaking festival, with a week full of music, crazy activities, rafts being build, and delicious food and drinks! At River Festival, you can witness all 120 rafts that will ride down the Fyris river on Valborg go from lumps of styrofoam to all sorts of fantastic creations, to the soundtrack of music and laughter.

We are happy to annouce this year's theme: SPACE! Student or not, everybody 18+ is welcome! Entrance is free.

Schedule: in the event!

The River Rafting is an annual event from the Uppsala Union of Science and Engineering Students (UTN). You can read more about the River Festival at https://www.forsranningen.utn.se/.../about-the-river...

Click on the picture to get to the event.

Tidigare evenemang: 19 april
Slektkommittén grand meeting
Senare evenemang: 20 april
Cube tournament with W!