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Paintball with ES and W

It's finally time for the two SLU siblings to show once and for all who rules the roost! Out on the paintball field we can, under controlled circumstances, take out the aggressions we have kept inside over the years! So come and play paintball with us on May 7th!

The game takes about 2.5 hours so we expect hungry warriors afterwards. It will therefore be offered on grilled food after as a little plaster on the wounds!

Time: 15 (Important to be on time)

Where: ACpaintball, Bragby 6

Price: 350kr

Included in the price:

-Equipment for paintball

-500 shots


-Blue badges

Bus 804 goes from the center and flogsta center among others and takes about 20min to Bragby. From there it takes about 15min to walk to ACpaintball.

By bike it takes about 40 min from Flogsta center!

We have many places so no stress! Registration closes Thursday May 4th and is binding so money is not refunded. You are responsible for finding a replacement and report it to es-idrott@utn.se if you cannot come.

The registration form can be found in the event.

Click on the picture to get to the event.

Tidigare evenemang: 5 maj
Bongstyret 2023
Senare evenemang: 8 maj
Lunch lecture with Uppsala Vatten