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Lunch lecture with Rejlers (in swedish)

Tuesday, February 14th, it's time for a lunch lecture with Rejlers!

Rejlers takes a leading role in the transition to renewable energy and the transformation of infrastructure, industry and real estate. With the help of value-driven digitization, we create a sustainable future through knowledge.

Rejlers was founded in 1942 and today has 2,600 employees worldwide. Rejlers offers consulting services within, among other things, environment, water, mountains, geotechnics and land/road/VA, which is perfect for a W:are!

WHEN: 14/2, at 12:15-1:00 p.m

WHERE: 2001, Ångströms

Food registration: In the event, closes Tuesday (7/2) afternoon!

Click on the picture to get to the fb-event.

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