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The River Rafting

The last of April is when it happens! 120 rafts will traverse the Fyris river under the Valborg sun, with the first rafts setting sail at 10AM at Eddaspången.

The River Rafting is a yearly Uppsala tradition known across the nation, with a history stretching back to 1975, when two engineering students took a bet to raft down the Fyris river. Today, it is is one of Sweden's largest student events, with over 100 000 visitors along the river.

The week before Valborg, all the rafters will build their rafts at campus Ångström during the annual River Festival, an event that's not only for the rafters but for everyone! The Festival offers everything from live music and fun activities on the festival area to amazing food and party in the Pub-tent.

For more information about the River Rafting: https://www.forsranningen.utn.se/en/home

Click on the picture to get to the event.

Tidigare evenemang: 26 april
ÅM in football
Senare evenemang: 2 maj
Walfläsk VT23