Congratulations on your admission!
Congratulations on your admission and welcome to the Master of Science in Environmental and Water Engineering program!
And welcome to our website! We are the student association of the W-section (also called WAWE) that represents all students studying the Master of Science in Environmental and Water Engineering and the International Master Program in Water Engineering.
We can promise that 5 fantastic years await you in Uppsala! Packed with instructive studies and an unbeatable student life!
Here on the website you will find a lot of relevant information about everything concerning your studies and the section. You can also find us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and TikTok.
Do you have any questions about the call, the reception, the program, the courses, the city, the university, the section, the union, the nations or maybe the best place to eat at night? Don't hesitate and drop us a DM on Instagram or Facebook! You can also find contact details for each specific board member here on the website.
So make sure to click YES on W no later than July 21 and we'll see you on August 21 at the roll call!