Apply for representative for student council and student-teacher meetings
Get involved and influence at W!
Student council representatives and representatives for the student-teacher meetings are needed.
It is important that these positions are filled so that W can develop as a program!
The study councils are an opportunity for all W's to come and discuss what is good and what can be improved with the courses you study. As a study council representative, you sit on the study councils and represent your class. The meetings take place at lunchtime three times per semester and coffee is offered!!!
The student-teacher meetings take place twice a semester and are lunchtime meetings at zoom. At the meetings, student representatives from W1 and W2 and the respective course coordinators, as well as the program manager, meet to discuss the ongoing courses, about what is good and what can be improved.
Both posts are a fun and important commitment!
If this sounds interesting, please contact !!!